What is eRepublik?
eRepublik is an MMOG ( massively multiplayer online game ) developed by eRepublik Labs. This very addictive game which mimics almost every facet of real life was launched on October 21, 2008.
Set in what the creators calls "the new world", eRepublik promises a gameplay unmatched by any other browser based online games. From becoming a politician with Presidential aspirations, a businessman with a large corporate empire, to a battle hardened general, the game gives its players the ability to freely choose his or her career path.
The social networking aspect of the game gives it a sense of community and purpose for its citizens. Each path a citizen chooses is greatly affected by his or her network, and the network affects the ability of the citizen to perform certain tasks.
eRepublik is a truly phenomenal and addictive game that transcends age and nationality.
Click here and become a citizen of the new world.
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